Covering the entire spectrum
of the 1950's era, his readers seemed to
have liked
what he was doing. The magazine was published
on a fiscal year basis, that is, everyone
renewed at the same time (helped Bill's
bookkeeping). If someone first subscribed in
the middle of a fiscal year, they received
all issues already published that year and
the rest as they were published. The
magazine was truly international, going to many
foreign countries. (Bill had announced that
when the final issue for 2004 was published,
he will retire from publishing the magazine.
Thirty years of publishing is a long time
and he has many other things he wants to
accomplish.) |

One of the more recent
issues of Rockin' 50s
magazine featured a very
good friend of Bill's on the
cover, the late Niki
Sullivan, one of the
original Crickets. |